I want to thank IU CIBER for making it possible for me to travel to Belize for the Kelley M-360: Sales for Social Impact course. The experience of doing business in another country is something I will carry with me for the rest of my life and will always look back upon fondly.

During my time in Belize, I learned more than I could have ever learned in the classroom. My team’s client entrepreneur is an amazing individual with a bounty of world experience. He taught us just as much about life as we taught him about business. I not only learned how to work with a real business client, but I also learned how to adjust business styles to another culture. In Belize, like many Central American countries, it is uncommon to talk about profits and losses. We had to tread carefully in gathering financial information. In line with a real-world consulting project, we definitely could not arrive with a solution from just our prep research. We spent the entire first day onsite asking questions about the business, about Belize, and about the culture. We continued learning until the very last day with our entrepreneur, and I would not have wanted it any other way.
Because of M-360, I am now comfortable traveling abroad, working with clients, and doing business internationally. It would have been difficult for me to go on this trip on my own, so I am extremely thankful to IU CIBER for allowing me the opportunity to take advantage of this amazing experience!
These experiences and IU CIBER’s continued support for students to explore international destinations and businesses contribute to the overall objective of strengthening and promoting international education, language training, and research capacities of U.S. enterprises and universities.
-Gabriella Brannock, Class of 2020
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